



Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are

Critical for Web Traffic


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Search Engine Optimization – SEO – is building a website under the best practices for being found and ranked highly by search engines.  Their are hundreds of aspects of a website that dictate if how a search engine will see and rank your site. It is critical that you have control of that and build your website, utilizing SEO best practices to be indexed highly for the keywords you need to build your business. This will give organic search engine traffic over time and let you dominate the keywords searches that are important to your business for lead generation.

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Search Engine Marketing – SEM – is using the advertising arm of search engines to jump start lead generation and search results placement – SERP- on the major search engines.  Many people as the question is PPC or SEO more effective?  The short answer is IT DEPENDS.  Paying for web placement for a set of business specific keywords plays an important role in generating the required web traffic to generate leads. In may instances, SEM is only used at the start of a digital advertising campaign, coupled with Social Media Advertising. Once the desired traffic has been obtained, SEO – Search Engine Optimization should take over for organic search results.







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SEM Search Engine Marketing

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  • SEO – Search Engine Optimization will generate organic search results for the keywords that you need your business to be found by.  
  • SEM – Search Engine Marketing is a critical part in jump starting your digital marketing campaign.  Being found at the top of specific searches generates immediate traffic for the keywords you need to build your on line presence.
  • Properly combining the right amount of SEM with ongoing SEO, focusing on pre-determined search terms is key to a long term digital marketing strategy.


SEO Search Engine Optomization
Social Media Advertising


Having a true digital marketing strategy requires knowledge on all aspects of digital advertising.  SEM and Social Media Marketing coupled with ongoing SEO all need to work in concert for a holistic approach to digital marketing. Many companies only focus on one aspect, which forces business to either not have a coordinated effort or to miss an important aspect.

 DEAN Knows Social Media handles, creates and manages all aspects of digital advertising.

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DEAN Knows Social Media